We are excited to reveal 47 authors and books from 13 participating countries nominated for the 2020 European Union Prize for Literature
European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognises emerging fiction writers from across Europe. The award includes 41 countries which are part of the Creative Europe programme – an initiative which aims to strengthen Europe’s cultural and creative sectors. The EUPL was launched in 2009, and since then recognised 122 winning authors through 11 editions. Each year, the EUPL awards one winner per country from a third of participating countries. This year's edition will award winners from 13 countries: Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Kosovo, Luxembourg, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway and Spain.
The winners of the EUPL 2020 edition will be announced on 19 May.
EUPL 2020 shortlist
We are proud to present the 2020 shortlist for the European Union Prize for Literature (the list below is in alphabetical order):
Charly Delwart, Databiographie (Databiography), publisher: Flammarion
Nathalie Skowronek, La carte des regrets (The map of regrets), publisher: Grasset
Odile d’Oultremont, Baïkonour (Baikonur), publisher: Editions de l'Observatoire
Victoire de Changy, L’île longue (The long island), publisher: Autrement
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Adnan Repeša, Svojta (Taxa), publisher: Synopsis
Danijel Gatarić, Libreto (Libretto), publisher: Kontrast
Elvedin Nezirović, Ništa lakše od umiranja (Nothing easier than dying), publisher: Laguna
Lana Bastašić, Uhvati zeca (Catch the rabbit), publisher: Buybook
Kristina Gavran, Gitara od palisandra (The rosewood guitar), publisher: Disput
Maša Kolanović, Poštovani kukci i druge jezive priče (Dear insects and other scary stories), publisher: Profil knjiga
Nenad Stipanić, Bogovi neona (Neon Gods), publisher: Sandorf
Zoran Malkoč, Umro Supermen (Superman is dead), publisher: Fraktura
Κυθρεώτης Χρίστος (Christos Kithreotis), Εκεί που ζούμε (The place we live), publisher: Patakis Publications
Σωτηρίου Κωνσταντία (Constandia Sotiriou), Πικρία χώρα (Bitter country), publisher: Patakis Publications
Σταύρος Χριστοδούλου (Stavros Christodoulou), Τη μέρα που πάγωσε ο ποταμός (The day the river froze), publisher: Kastaniotis Publications
Asta Olivia Nordenhof, Penge på lommen (Money in your pocket), publisher: Basilisk
Maren Uthaug, En lykkelig slutning (A happy ending), publisher: Lindhardt and Ringhof
Morten Pape, Guds Bedste Børn (God's Best Children), publisher: Politikens
Thomas Korsgaard, Tyverier (Thefts), publisher: Lindhardt and Ringhof
Kaur Riismaa, Väike Ferdinand (Little Ferdinand), publisher: Vihmakass ja Kakerdaja
Mait Vaik, Kurvake sügis (Sad autumn), publisher: Puiestee
Mudlum (Made Luiga), Poola poisid (Polish boys), publisher: Strata
Gunther Geltinger, Benzin (Petrol), publisher: Suhrkamp Verlag
Leif Randt, Allegro Pastell (Allegro Pastel), publisher: Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch
Matthias Nawrat, Der traurige Gast (The Sad Guest), publisher: Rowohlt Verlag
Paulina Czienskowski, Taubenleben (Pigeon life), publisher: Blumenbar
Peggy Mädler, Wohin wir gehen (Where we are going), publisher: Verlag Galiani Berlin
Azem Deliu, Shënimet e krimbit Smolinski (Notes of the Worm Smolinsky), publisher: Onufri
Majlinda Bregasi, Gërsheti i prerë (The Cut Braid), publisher: Koha
Shpëtim Selmani, Libërthi i dashurisë (The Booklet of Love), publisher: Armagedoni
Francis Kirps, Die Mutationen (The Mutations), publisher: Hydre Editions
Jeff Schinker, Sabotage (Sabotage), publisher: Hydre Editions
Samuel Hamen, V wéi vreckt, w wéi Vitess : Erzielung (Kaput), publisher: G. Binsfeld
Milo Masoničić, Kraj smjene (The End of the shift), publisher: Treći trg
Stefan Bošković, Ministar (Minister), publisher: Nova knjiga
North Macedonia
Давор Стојановски (Davor Stojanovski), Утеха за голите (Consolation for the naked), publisher: Или-или (ili-ili)
Ѓорѓи Крстевски (Gjorgji Krstevski), Другата страна (The Other side), publisher: Бегемот (Begemot)
Михајло Свидерски (Mihajlo Sviderski), Последните денови на Ханс (Han's last days), publisher: Или-или (ili-ili)
Петар Андоновски (Petar Andonovski), Страв од варвари (Fear of barbarians), publisher: Или-или (ili-ili)
Atle Berge, Puslingar (Roughneck), publisher: Samlaget
Bjørn Esben Almaas, Den gode vennen (The good friend), publisher: Oktober
Maria Navarro Skarange, Bok om sorg (Book of grief), publisher: Oktober
Therese Tungen, Kjærleik og det som liknar (Love and the like), publisher: Aschehoug
Elisa Ferrer, Temporada de avispas (Wasp season), publisher: Tusquets
Irene Solà, Canto jo i la muntanya balla (I sing and the mountain dances), publisher: Anagrama
Joan Benesiu, Serem Atlàntida (We will be Atlantis), publisher: Periscopi
Raquel Taranilla, Noche y océano (Night and ocean), publisher: Seix Barral
Shortlist for each country has been selected by a national jury of literary experts. More information about jury composition and 2020 members can be found here.