Mariana Cocieru

Mariana Cocieru, PhD, is head of the Folklore Sector of the Institute of Romanian Philology „B. P.-Hasdeu”. She is especially interested in intangible cultural heritage, folklore, ethnography, ethnology, and literature. She published several books, including Ethnofolkloric constituents in the prose of Romanian writers from Bessarabia (1960–1980) (Chisinau, 2018, and coordinated several multimedia publications, including Voice archive: Interviews with personalities in the field of culture (in 20 volumes) (Chisinau, 2016, 2019).

Claude Conter

Claude D. Conter (born 1974) is a scientific collaborator (2004-2008), curator (2008-2012) and, since 2012, director of the National Literature Centre of Mersch. He studied German Literature and Mass Communication in Bamberg and Berlin. He was scientific collaborator for the German Literature Department of Bamberg. He completed his Phd in 2003. From 2004 to 2008 he worked as scientific collaborator for the same department in Munich. In 2017, he was guest lecturer at the University of Sewanee (TN, USA).

Toby Lichtig

Toby Lichtig is the Fiction and Politics Editor of the Times' Literary Supplement (TLS). He writes for a range of publications, including the TLS, Wall Street Journal, Telegraph, FT, Jewish Chronicle and New Humanist, and has appeared as a guest critic on various television and radio programmes. He also freelances as a documentary producer. He was chair of judges of last year's JQ/Wingate Prize.

Tanja Stupar Trifunović

Tanja Stupar Trifunović published five volumes of poetry, one volume of short stories and two novels. Her works were awarded and translated into English, German, French, Polish, Slovenian, Danish, Swedish, Macedonian, Czech, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Spanish language. Poetry book O čemu misle varvari dok doručkuju (“What are barbarians are thinking about while having breakfast“) was short-listed for the ProCredit Bank Literature Award for East and Southeast Europe and awarded with one-month stay in Vienna, Austria.

Dimitar Atanasov

Born in 1973, he holds Master degrees in Marketing and Management as well as Law from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia. He has been selling books for more that 25 years and has experience in various forms of trade - direct sales, online - including 15 years as a sales manager at one of the largest bookshop chains in Bulgaria.Since 2012, he is a managing partner in Bookoholic Ltd, an import and wholesale company, trading with English, German, French, Spanish and Bulgarian books.

Carolina Schutti

Carolina Schutti is a writer. She was awarded the EUPL 2015 for Austria. Her books have been translated into eleven languages. Her most recently published works include: Eulen fliegen lautlos (Novelle, 2015) and Nervenfieber (Poems, 2018). She lives in Innsbruck.

Arevik Ashkharoyan

Arevik Ashkharoyan is a literary agent with 10-year experience in publishing. In 2016, she established ARI Literary and Talent Agency, representing a dozen of writers of Armenian origin from all over the world. In 2018, she also founded ARI Literature Foundation, a non-profit organization implementing projects aimed at development of local book market, promotion of reading and writing in Armenia and enhancing international dialogue.

Grzegorz Jankowicz 

Grzegorz Jankowicz Ph.D. (1978) is a literary critic, translator and philosopher specialized on literature. He is the programme director of the Conrad Festival, the cultural editor of the “Tygodnik Powszechny” weekly paper, and the director of several literary programmes of the Tygodnik Powszechny Foundation. He also works at the literary department office of Kraków Festival.