Jérôme Jaminet

Jérôme Jaminet, born in 1979, lives as a teacher, literary mediator and literary critic in Luxembourg. He studied philosophy and German literature at the University of Trier. From 2014 to 2017, he hosted the weekly literary show Book Look on Eldoradio. Since 2018 he has been responsible for the literature section Lesbar in the Lëtzebuerger Journal. As a freelance literary critic, he works among others for German media such as Der Spiegel, MDR Kultur and SWR2.

Edin Salčinović

Edin Salčinović was born in Sarajevo on April 13, 1988. He studied at Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. He is editor of the cultural section in daily newspaper Oslobođenje. During Literary Studies, he specialized in Theory of the Novel. He published several short stories and novellas, theoretical essays and literary criticism in web portals e-novine and Strane, and in magazines Beton, (sic!), Život, Dani... He also writes theatre criticism.

Anzhela Dimcheva

Anzhela Dimcheva (1963, Sofia, Bulgaria) has a Master Degree in Bulgarian Philology and English Language. She is a PhD from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. A journalist, poet, literary critic, and editor, she is the Secretary-General of the Bulgarian Centre PEN, a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists.

Clive Perini

Clive Perini has been working in book distribution and publishing for the last 25 years, employed with a company that is the largest distributor on the island. Over the years his role evolved but he always aspired, encouraged and promoted self publishing,as well as established and emerging authors of all genres.

Anna Nasiłowska

Anna Nasiłowska is a poet, writer, literary critic and professor, president of the Association of Polish Writers, and board member of the Polish PEN Club. For 10 years, she has also been the director of Creative Writting Studies at the Polish Institute of Literary Research. She has published poetry, novels, biographies and books on the history of Polish literature.