Aliona Grati

Aliona Grati, PhD,Sh is an associate professor and literary critic. She has a PhD in Philology. Her scientific research in the field of History, Criticism and Literary Theory, resulted in the publication of 10 monographs, several coordinated volumes and 200 articles. As a litery critic and journalist, she actively supports emerging publications in the field of literature. She is also a member of the Writers' Union of Moldoval and of the Writers' Union of Romania.

Anzhela Dimcheva

Anzhela Dimcheva (1963, Sofia, Bulgaria) has a Master Degree in Bulgarian Philology and English Language. She is a PhD from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. A journalist, poet, literary critic, and editor, she is the Secretary-General of the Bulgarian Centre PEN, a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists.

Anna Nasiłowska

Anna Nasiłowska is a poet, writer, literary critic and professor, president of the Association of Polish Writers, and board member of the Polish PEN Club. For 10 years, she has also been the director of Creative Writting Studies at the Polish Institute of Literary Research. She has published poetry, novels, biographies and books on the history of Polish literature.

Elin Sennerö Kaunitz

Elin Sennerö Kaunitz is a senior editor at Norstedts, Sweden's oldest publishing house, acquiring both fiction and nonfiction in Swedish and forgeign languages.She has worked in publishing for twenty years. Before joining Norstedts, she was a publisher at Atlantis and an editor at Albert Bonniers and at Ordfront. Among the authors she has worked with are: Lisa Taddeo, Caitlin Moran, Roxane Gay, Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Jan Kjaerstad, Stieg Larsson.

Gaëlle Josse

Gaelle Josse (born 1960) is a French poet and novelist. She received the EUPL for France in 2015 for Le dernier gardien d'Ellis Island. Her work has been translated into several languages.