
We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Lithuania: Daiva Tamošaitytė, author, philosopher, musicologist, piano player, essayist and social activist, President of the jury Audinga Peluritytė-Tikuišienė, literary critic Laimantas Jonušys, author, translator and literary critic Marielle Vitureau, translator Rūta Elijošaitytė-Kaikarė, literary manager and managing director of the Lithuanian Publishers Association  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Luxembourg:  Jeanne E. Glesener, professor at the University of Luxembourg, President of the jury Jean-Claude Henkes, bookseller, member of the Strategic Development Commity of the bookshop Ernster Jérôme Jaminet, teacher, literary mediator and critic Jean Back, writer and EUPL 2010 laureate Claude D. Conter, director of the National Literature Centre of Mersch  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Malta:   Albert Marshall, theatre & TV director, playwright, poet, executive chair of the Arts Council Malta - President of the jury Stephen Bonanno, professor in Maltese language and literature Clive Perini, book distributor and publisher Rachelle Deguara, radio host, book reviewer   Excused from the jury Leanne Ellul, writer, professor in Maltese language and literature  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Moldova: Aliona Grati, associate professor, literary critic - President of the jury ​Ludmila Şimanschi, associate professor Mariana Cocieru, professor Lucia Butnariuc, bookseller  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Italy: Barbara Hoepli, publisher, bookseller, and chairman of the Board of Hoepli S.p.A - Casa Editrice Libraria, President of the jury Alessia Rastelli, journalist for the "Corriere della Sera" Anna Rottensteiner, head of the cultural event institution "Literaturhaus am Inn" Annamaria Malato, CEO of Salerno Editrice Srl and president of the Rome Book Fair 'Più libri più liberi'  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Kosovo: Lindita Tahiri, poet, translator and professor at the University of Pristina, President of the jury Lindita Rugova, professor and dean of the Philology Faculty at the University of Pristina Festa Molliqaj, literary translator and professor of foreign language Osman Gashi, poet and professor at the University of Pristina  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Latvia: Arno Jundze, writer, cultural journalist, literary critic and theorist - President of the jury Renate Punka, literary translator, managing director of Janis Roze Publishers, president of the Latvian Publishers Association Kristine Pīkenena, manager of the Jānis Roze Bookstore Inga Bodnarjuka-Mrazauskas, executive manager of the Latvian literature export platform «Latvian Literature» Santa Remere, translator, publicist    


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Iceland: Tinna Ásgeirsdóttir, translator, project manager at the Icelandic Writers’ Union - President of the jury Helga Ferdinandsdóttir, ​editor, copywriter, literary adviser Thorgeir Tryggvason, playwright, literary critic, musician, theatre director Elín Edda Pálsdóttir, bookstore manager, editor Maríanna Clara Lúthersdóttir, actress, playwright, translator    


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Ireland: Conor Kostick, author and historian, President of the jury Nessa O'Mahony, author and ICLA board member Ronan Colgan, managing director of Wordwell Ltd, publisher of Books Ireland Sorcha de Brún, author, professor of modern Irish prose fiction, Irish language film, drama and poetry    


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Germany: Lena Falkenhagen, writer and narrative designer, President of the jury Doris Plöschberger, editorial director (Suhrkamp Verlag) Christoph Schröder, literary critic Klaus Kowalke, bookseller