
We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Armenia: Armen Ohanyan, fiction writer, literary translator, president of PEN Armenia - President of the jury Arevik Ashkharoyan, ​literary agent, founder of ARI Agency and ARI Foundation Anahit Avetisyan, literary translator Shakeh Havan, founder of bookshop Artbridge Mkrtich Matevosyan, painter, graphic designer, funder of publishing NGO Actual Art  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Hungary: Endre Szkárosi, writer, poet, performance artist and professor of literature at the University ELTE, President of the jury David Szolláth, research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Research Center for the Humanities) and managing editor of the Literatura journal Joelle Dufeuilly, translator Jozsef P. Korossi, poet, writer, and publisher Sarolta Deczki, author and research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Research Center for the Humanities)  


  We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Estonia: Tiit Aleksejev, writer, graduate in Medieval History and EUPL 2010 laureate, President of the jury Ilvi Liive, founder of the Estonian Literary Centre (Eesti kirjanduse keskus) Rebeka Lotman, literary critic, journalist, translator and editor-in-chief for the publishing house of Tallinn University Marju Kirsipuu, development manager for the bookshop Apollo Raamatud Tauno Vahter, editor-in-chief for Kirjastus Tänapäev  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Serbia: Nenad Šaponja, poet, essayist, literary critic, owner and editor-in-chief of AGORA publishing house - President of the jury Ivan Bevc, bookshop owner and founder of publishing house Booka Ana Pejović, literary professional, editor and translator Bora Babić, editrix-in-chief and directress at Akademska knjiga,co-founder and vice-president of the UPIS-Association of Serbian Professional Publishers    


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Slovakia: Miroslava Vallová, author, translator and president of the Literary Information Center, President of the jury Peter Šulej, poet, author and editor Radoslav Passia, author, editor, literary scholar and essayist Vladimír Barborík, professor and author  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Greece:  Liana Sakelliou, writer, poet and professor of English and Creative Writing at the NKUA, President of the jury Αthina Sokolis, philologist and publisher (Sokolis Publications) Εrasmia-Louisa Stavropoulou, professor emerita of Modern Greek Literature, NΚUA Makis Tsitas, journalist, author and EUPL 2014 laureate  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Denmark: Clea Bautista, sales manager for the bookshop Arnold Busck, President of the jury Kristian Bang Foss, writer and EUPL 2013 laureate Marianne Withen, bookshop owner Peter Legård Nielsen, writer and board member of the Danish Art Council  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Bulgaria: Anzhela Dimcheva, journalist, poet, literary critic, editor, secretary-general of Bulgarian PEN Centre - President of the jury Velizara Dobreva, executive director at Egmont Publishing Dimitar Atanasov, managing partner in Bookoholic Ltd Darin Tenev, associate professor of literature, director of the Institute for Critical Social Studies at the University of Plovdiv Svetlozar Zhelev, former publisher, radio & TV editor, lecturer, director of the National Book Center  


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Romania: Liviu Papadima, critic, essayist, professor and vice-rector of the University of Bucharest, President of the jury Angelo Mitchievici, professor, author, literary critic and essayist Daniel Cristea-Enache, professor, author, essayist and literary critic Oana Doboşi-Potcoavă, co-owner of the bookshop La Două Bufniţe in Timișoara Razvan Voncu, professor, author, critic and literary historian