Mihaela Šumić (born 1998, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a writer and translator. She participated in literary festivals Imperativ in Banja Luka, Rukopisi in Pančevo and Kikinda Short in Kikinda and Belgrade. Her first book, a poetry collection named Nekoliko sitnih uboda (eng. A Few Small Snips) was awarded with the Čučkova knjiga award for the best debut book published in 2020. Her second book, a short story collection Herbarij svete smrti (eng. Herbarium of The Holy Death), received the regional literary award Štefica Cvek. In 2022, she published her second poetry collection named Imenik Laure Carvalho (eng. Laura Carvalho’s Phonebook). Her first novel Čovjek vuk (eng. The Wolf Man) was published in 2024. She translates from Spanish, English and Portuguese. She translated Fernanda Melchor’s novels Temporada de huracanes (eng. Hurricane Season), Paradais (eng. Paradais), Falsa liebre (eng. False Hare) and her short story collection Aquí no es Miami (eng. This is not Miami). Her translations of poetry from authors such as Juan Bañuelos, Abigael Bohórquez, Margarita Paz Paredes, Rosario Castellanos, Clarice Lispector and Adélia Prado have been published in several literary magazines and online literary pages.