Aoû 17 23
On 17 August 2023, an event with this year’s EUPL Special Mention Iida Rauma took place at Akateeminen Bookshop in Helsinki. Within the scope of ‘Helsingin Kirjojen Yössä’, the event will celebrate Iida Rauma’s success and her EUPL-awarded novel Hävitys (Destruction).
Juil 13 23
Discover the full programme on the European Parliament's website. 
mai 24 23
Distribution of anthologies and event with Lana Bastasic (EUPL 2020, Bosnia and Herzegovina), translated into Romanian.
mai 05 23
On 5 & 6 May at Thessaloniki Book Fair, EUPL will host two panels about the importance of translations as bridges between cultures, where former EUPL laureates will share their experiences.
avr 28 23
The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognises emerging fiction writers from the European Union and beyond. Engaging the 41 countries participating in the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, the Prize celebrates 41 outstanding new literary talents across a cycle of three years.
avr 28 23
The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) recognises emerging fiction writers from the European Union and beyond. Engaging the 41 countries participating in the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, the Prize celebrates 41 outstanding new literary talents across a cycle of three years.
Mar 31 23
Our EUPL 2022 authors Jacobo Bergareche and Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin will be at the Brussels Book Fair for a literary event.
Mar 07 23
On 7 March 15:00 at BolognaBookPlus, side programme of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair, the names of the 13 nominated books for the European Union Prize for Literature 2023 will be revealed.
fév 24 23
24 February 2023 - Presentation of Haska Shyyan's (Ukraine, EUPL 2019) book translated into Lithuanian, with translator Beatričė Beliavciv. More info on the fair's website.