Juil 13 22
While the main theme of the 24th Salon International du livre insulaire (International Island Book Fair) is Ireland, the fair will be chaired by the writer recently awarded the European Literature Prize Special Mention for Madame Lazare: Tadhg Mac Dhonnagáin. The writer will be present for two talks:
juin 28 22
On 28 June, Jan Carson participated in several events in Toulouse as part of the 'Marathon des mots' literary festival. She gave interviews and readings of her EUPL-awarded book ‘The Fire Starters’ (
juin 28 22
Three Spanish authors attended the 'Marathon des mots' literary festival, which is always sensitive to new Hispanic literature: Elena Medel, Miqui Otero and EUPL laureate Irene Solà (Spain, 2020).
juin 01 22
EUPL Spanish laureates Raquel Martínez-Gómez (2010), Jesús Carrasco (2016), and the 2022 special mention Jacobo Bergareche participated in a panel discussion during this year's Madrid Book Fair, discussing their new novels.
avr 30 22
The 24th International Book Fair Santo Domingo 2022 (Dominican Republic) will be held in Ciudad Colonial (Santo Domingo) from 23 April to 2 May. This year's theme is “Ven al libro” (Come to the book) and the special guest is the European Union.
avr 07 22
Get to know EUPL 2020 Spanish laureate Irene Solà, as she presents the English translation of the EUPL-winning novel at the London Book Fair Where: Author HQ When: Thursday, 7 April, 11:45 - 12:30
avr 04 22
Please join us in celebrating the British launch of the novels W by Igor Štiks and August, After Midnight by Luka Bekavac, both translated by Ellen Elias-Bursać. When: Monday, 4 April 2022, from 7 pm BST Where: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL
Mar 10 22
This Thursday, 10. 3. 2022, join a virtual discussion with Anja Mugerli, EUPL 2021 Slovenian laureate
fév 27 21
From 19 to 28 February, six EUPL laureates will participate in the 2021 Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF).