Entela Kasi is a poetess, novelist, translator and essayist. She is the president of the Albanian PEN Centre and a member of the ‘In search Committee Board’ of PEN International. She writes for Albanian journals and daily press, especially focusing on social movements, culture and politics. She has been invited as a guest writer by different Universities in Albania and abroad. Entela Kasi's poetry has been translated and published in different anthologies, magazines and literary reviews in Macedonian, Serbian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Italian, German, French, English, Hebrew and many other languages. She is awarded with different prizes for literature in Albania, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy and Israel. She is awarded with the title ‘Universum Dona’ and ‘Honorary Academician accredited by the International University of Peace Studies in Switzerland. Currently, she works for the Catholic University- “Our Lady of Good Council’ in Tirana, Albania. She writes into Albanian and English.
Entela Kasi