Anthology 2022

The 2022 EUPL Anthology called "European stories" presents the 14 EUPL authors from 2022 and excerpts from their nominated books in their original languages and translated into English or French.

Fifteen Years of European Stories - Fifteen Years of the EUPL

On the evening of the 21st of November, the European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) honoured 19 authors nominated for the past cycle (2022-2024 editions) during a celebratory event, which took place at Flagey culture house in Brussels, Belgium. The event took attendees on a journey through the literary works of the nominated authors, highlighting the diversity of European literature, as well as its linguistic richness.

Gaea Schoeters in Buch Wien

Our Belgian special mention from 2022, Gaea Schoeters, will be at Buch Wien on 23 November in honour of her book Trophy, translated into German as Trophäe. The discussion will be moderated by Mia Eidlhuber (Der Standard)You will find more details here.

Copies of the EUPL2024 anthologies will be available at the Showroom stand B03 throughout the Fair. A wall banner with the QR code will be placed on the wall outside the showroom.