EUPL at Paris Book Fair

EUPL winning authors will feature at various events at the Paris Book Fair, 15 to 18 March 2019. All events will take place at the Europe Stage. 

15 March 2019

  • Ioana Pârvulescu will feature at 12:00pm at an event entitled UNE HEURE EN / ROUMANIE : DEPASSER LE PASSE : 30 ANS APRES LE RETOUR EN EUROPE
  • Magdalena Parys will feature at 14:00 at an event entitled LES BIBLIOTHÈQUES EUROPÉENNES : UN VOYAGE DANS L’EUROPE DES POLARS

16 March 2019

Tiit Aleksejev and Ioana Pârvulescu at Brussels Book Fair

Two EUPL lauréates — Tiit Aleksejev (Estonia, 2010) and Ioana Pârvulescu (Estonia, 2013) — will reflect in front of industry professionals as well as members of the public on the European Union Prize for Literature itself, which for the past ten years has awarded emerging literary talents and highlighted the prolific and exuberant diversity in the output of literature across contemporary Europe. 

The event will be followed by a cocktail reception offered by EUPL.

It will take place at the Brussels Book Fair at Place de l'Europe.

Jean Back, Gast Groeber and Isabelle Wéry at Brussels Book Fair

Three EUPL Lauréats — Jean Back (Luxembourg, 2010), Gast Groeber (Luxembourg, 2016) and Isabelle Wéry (Belgium, 2013) — discuss the nature of the European Union's support for the book industry at large. They'll delve into how and to what extent the Creative Europe programme supports authors, publishers, booksellers and other industry professionals, and how the situation could develop moving forward. 

The event will take place at the Brussels Book Fair at Place de L'Europe.