Festa Molliqaj

After studying Italian literature, philosophy and linguistics, with a specialization in literary translation - between the University of Lausanne and the Università La Sapienza in Rome – Festa Molliqaj received a second Master of arts in teaching foreign languages from HEP Lausanne.
Teaching foreign languages pushed her to develop didactic-pedagogical projects, allowing her to join the Swiss Association of Italian Teachers (ASPI) and publish articles in Swiss literary journals.

Tinna Ásgeirsdóttir

Tinna Ásgeirsdóttir is a translator and project manager. Ásgeirsdóttir has studied creative writing and translations at the University of Iceland and graduated with degrees in both philospohy and editing and publishing. She works part time as a project manager at the Writers’ Union of Iceland and as a translator of Swedish fiction. Among writers that she has translated are renowned author and playwright Sara Stridsberg, Matthias Edvardsson and Nina Wähä. Ásgeirsdóttir has been a jury member at both the Icelandic Translation Prize and Reykjavik City Children‘s Literary Prize.

Pavel Mandys

Pavel Mandys (born 1972) is a journalist, book critic, and organizer of the annual Magnesia Litera book award. He has written numerous book reviews as an editor of the online literary magazine iLiteratura.cz. In 2012, he published the book Prague: The City of Literature to support the city’s successful bid to become a UNESCO Creative City of Literature. He was the editor of the short stories collection Prague Noir (2018) and in 2020 he wrote a book of the crime genre in Czech literature (Dějiny české detektivky, with Michal Jareš).

Inga Bodnarjuka-Mrazauskas

Inga Bodnarjuka–Mrazauskas is the executive manager of the Latvian literature export platform «Latvian Literature», responsible for developing and implementing strategy for promotion of Latvian literature abroad, which includes participation in international book fairs, organizing foreign publisher, media and festival visits, translation workshops, capacity building activities for translators and publishers, culture programs abroad, etc.

Joelle Dufeuilly

Joelle Dufeuilly has been translating Hungarian literature since 1998. She translated authors such as László Krasznahorkai, György Dragomán, Sándor Jászberényi… She was awarded the SGDL translation prize for Krasznahorkai’s War and her overall work as a translator.

Natasha Lomouri

Born in 1975, Natasha Lomouri was schooled in Georgia and in the US and started her university studies at the faculty of International Law and International Relations in Tbilisi State University, but continued at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Political Science. She was awarded with a PhD in 2004 after defending her dissertation entitled Arab-Israeli Conflict: Peace Process at the end of XXCentury at the Tbilisi State University.