Iryna Slavinska

Iryna Slavinska is a journalist, radio and TV presenter, translator and literary critic. In 2010, she won a grant for the investigation of stealing and frauds in the Ukrainian art-market. In 2010 and 2011, she was a jury member on BBC's Book of the Year Awards.

Nathalie Rouanet-Herlt

Nathalie Rouanet-Herlt, born 1966 in France, lives and works in Vienna since 1990 as an author and translator. She performs as a Poetry Slammer under the name Ann Air. She studied German language and literature at the University of Toulouse and obtained her doctorate at the University of Vienna.

Andriy Kurkov

Andriy Kurkov is a writer, journalist and screenwriter. He is the author of 13 novels and 5 children books. More than 20 feature films and documentaries have been based on his scripts. He is the president of PEN Ukraine.

Anna Rottensteiner

Anna Rottensteiner, was born in 1962 in Bolzano/Bozen. After her studies, she worked as a bookseller, editor and literary scout (italian literature for german publishing houses). Since 2003, she has been the head of the cultural event institution "Literaturhaus am Inn" in Innsbruck. Since 2009, she has also been writing and publishing her own literary texts. 

Endre Szkárosi

Endre Szkárosi (b. 1952, Budapest) is a writer, poet and performance artist. As full professor he teaches literature at the University ELTE (Budapest), heading there also a literary doctoral programme. He has been a frequently encountered writer and performer on both the Hungarian and the international art scene as well as a scholar interested in the history and the theoretical background of 20th century experimental poetry and intermedia art. He was and has been editor of important reviews (Mozgó Világ, Új Hölgyfutár, Magyar Műhely/Atelier Hongrois) and editor of a number of anthologies.

Karl Puš

Karl Puš was born in 1955 in Vienna. He works as a bookseller since 1975. He is a former president of the European and International Booksellers Federation.

Wojciech Nowicki 

Wojciech Nowicki (1968) is a writer, essayist and translator. In addition to his interest in literature, he is also a culinary critic for the Kraków edition of the daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza and the co-founder of the foundation Imago Mundi, whose goal is to promote photography. He currently lives in Kraków.