Peter Legård Nielsen

Peter Legård Nielsen was born in 1960. He has published 8 novels, 2 poetry collections and 15 anthologies. He has received the the 3 Year Scolarship from The Danish Arts Foundation. He has been appointed by the Minister of Culture as a member of the board of The Danish Arts Counsil and has been chairman of Danish Fiction Writers Association from 1997 to 2001 and again from 2002 to 2007.

Marianne Withen

"I have spent nearly all my life in the world of books. 27 years ago I bought a little bookshop at Frederiksberg in Copenhagen. Before that I was a sales representative for different Danish publishing houses for 20 years. In my early youth, I spent nearly a year working for Blackwell Scientific Publications in Oxford."


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Denmark: Clea Bautista, sales manager for the bookshop Arnold Busck, President of the jury Kristian Bang Foss, writer and EUPL 2013 laureate Marianne Withen, bookshop owner Peter Legård Nielsen, writer and board member of the Danish Art Council  

Adda Djørup

Adda Djørup (b.1972) made her authorial debut in 2005 with a collection of poetry called Monsieurs monologer. Her work revolves around existential themes, with a twist of humour that suits her personal prose style and a distinct philosophical bite. All three of her publications have been praised by Danish critics. True to her versatility as an author, she is currently working on a libretto for a new opera. Djørup, who has lived in Madrid and Florence, is now back in Copenhagen. She holds a BA in Literature and, in 2007, she received an award from the Danish Arts Council.