Sarolta Deczki 

Sarolta Deczki Ph. D. (1977) is a research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for the Humanities in Budapest. Her prefered field of interest and researches is 20th century and contemporary literature. She is the author of three books and a several critiques and essays on contemporary literature.

Jozsef P. Korossi

Jozsef P. Korossi is a poet, writer, and publisher born in 1953. After working at several publishing houses (Móra, Holnap, Pesti Syalon, Palatinus, Noran) for thirty years, he is now the managing director and head of literary editions of the publishing house Noran Libro. He published a number of books and edited several important literary anthologies.

Joelle Dufeuilly

Joelle Dufeuilly has been translating Hungarian literature since 1998. She translated authors such as László Krasznahorkai, György Dragomán, Sándor Jászberényi… She was awarded the SGDL translation prize for Krasznahorkai’s War and her overall work as a translator.

David Szolláth

David Szolláth, Ph. D. (1975) is a research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for the Humanities in Budapest. He is a managing editor of Literatura, the theoretical journal of the Institute of Literary Studies, HAS, and author of "A kommunista aszketizmus esztétikája" [Aesthetics of Communist Ascetism] (2011). He was an editor at the literary review Kalligram (2006-2008) and Jelenkor (2008-2018).

Endre Szkárosi

Endre Szkárosi (b. 1952, Budapest) is a writer, poet and performance artist. As full professor he teaches literature at the University ELTE (Budapest), heading there also a literary doctoral programme. He has been a frequently encountered writer and performer on both the Hungarian and the international art scene as well as a scholar interested in the history and the theoretical background of 20th century experimental poetry and intermedia art. He was and has been editor of important reviews (Mozgó Világ, Új Hölgyfutár, Magyar Műhely/Atelier Hongrois) and editor of a number of anthologies.

Sarolta Deczki 

Sarolta Deczki Ph. D. (1977) is a research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for the Humanities in Budapest. Her prefered field of interest and researches is 20th century and contemporary literature. She is the author of three books and a several critiques and essays on contemporary literature.

Jozsef P. Korossi

Jozsef P. Korossi is a poet, writer, and publisher born in 1953. After working at several publishing houses (Móra, Holnap, Pesti Syalon, Palatinus, Noran) for thirty years, he is now the managing director and head of literary editions of the publishing house Noran Libro. He published a number of books and edited several important literary anthologies.

Joelle Dufeuilly

Joelle Dufeuilly has been translating Hungarian literature since 1998. She translated authors such as László Krasznahorkai, György Dragomán, Sándor Jászberényi… She was awarded the SGDL translation prize for Krasznahorkai’s War and her overall work as a translator.

David Szolláth

David Szolláth, Ph. D. (1975) is a research fellow at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Center for the Humanities in Budapest. He is a managing editor of Literatura, the theoretical journal of the Institute of Literary Studies, HAS, and author of "A kommunista aszketizmus esztétikája" [Aesthetics of Communist Ascetism] (2011). He was an editor at the literary review Kalligram (2006-2008) and Jelenkor (2008-2018).

Endre Szkárosi

Endre Szkárosi (b. 1952, Budapest) is a writer, poet and performance artist. As full professor he teaches literature at the University ELTE (Budapest), heading there also a literary doctoral programme. He has been a frequently encountered writer and performer on both the Hungarian and the international art scene as well as a scholar interested in the history and the theoretical background of 20th century experimental poetry and intermedia art. He was and has been editor of important reviews (Mozgó Világ, Új Hölgyfutár, Magyar Műhely/Atelier Hongrois) and editor of a number of anthologies.