Chloé Billon

Chloé Billon (born 1986 in Nantes, France) is a literary translator and conference interpreter. After graduating in humanities with a focus on English and German literature, having in the meanwhile begun to travel regularly to former Yugoslavia, she studied Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian languages and cultures at the Inalco (French National Institute for Eastern languages and cultures), and lived in Belgrade and Zagreb.

Gilles Collard

Born in 1976, Gilles Collard funded the Pylône magazine in 2003. He is teaching Philosophy at the Superior School of Visual Arts – La Cambre where he is also in charge of the “Texts and Literary Creation” master degree.

Xavier Aliaga

Journalist and writer. Born in Madrid, in 1970. A graduate in Catalan Philology. He has collaborated in several stages with the newspaper El País, the last, between 2007 and 2013, in the cultural supplement Quadern.
He is currently responsible for the culture of the weekly newspaper El Temps, a columnist for Levante-EMV as well as a talk show by Onda Zero. From the creation of the new Valencian television broadcasting À Punt he has collaborated in the television talk show of "El Matí" and right now he does so in À Punt radio.

Vlatko Simunović

Born in 1965. He spent his childhood, boyhood and youth in the Niksic suburb of Straševina. He graduated from the Department of Serbo-Croatian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niksic. He has been involved in journalism and literary criticism since 1995. He is the author of the books “Records” and “Conversations”. He is the editor of the Culture section of the Montenegrin daily Pobjeda. He works in Podgorica.

Lindita Tahiri

Lindita Tahiri teaches at the Department of English Language and Literature and at the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology in Prishtina, and her courses cover Literary Criticism, Stylistics, Language and Culture, Language and Ideology, Mass Communication, and Translation. She has been Vice Rector of the University of Prishtina from 2012-2016.

Siri Odfjell Risdal

Siri Odfjell Risdal (41) is Festival Director for Kapittel, Stavanger International Festival for Literature and Freedom of Speech at Sølvberget Library and Cultural Centre. Risdal is educated a librarian with a master’s in Literacy Studies, and has been a jury member for the Norwegian Ministry of Culture’s prizes for childrens literature, head of the jury for the Brage Prize for childrens literature and head of the Norwegian Cultural Council’s committee for comic books. From 2014 – 2019 Risdal was Project Manager for the Nordic Conference on childrens literature.

Klaus Kowalke

Born in 1967 in Helmstedt/Niedersachsen, Klaus Kowalke is a Philosopher, Historian and Bookseller. He was awarded “Best Bookshop in Germany 2018” by the Federal Government Comissioner for Culture and the Media (Federal Government).

Anne Merethe K. Prinos

Anne Merethe K. Prinos (53) is secretary general in Norwegian Critics' Association. She holds a master in literature from the University of Oslo and has been working as a freelance literary critic in the Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten for almost 20 years.

Kristian Bang Foss

Kristian Bang Foss (born 1977) is a Danish writer. His debut novel Fiskens vindue (The Window of the Fish, 2004) was acclaimed by critics. This was followed by Stormen i 99 (The Storm in 99, 2008). He won the EU Prize for Literature for his novel Døden kører Audi (Death drives an Audi, 2012). His latest novel is called Frank vender hjem (Frank comes home, 2019).