Lindita Tahiri

Lindita Tahiri teaches at the Department of English Language and Literature and at the Department of Journalism of the Faculty of Philology in Prishtina, and her courses cover Literary Criticism, Stylistics, Language and Culture, Language and Ideology, Mass Communication, and Translation. She has been Vice Rector of the University of Prishtina from 2012-2016.

Siri Odfjell Risdal

Siri Odfjell Risdal (41) is Festival Director for Kapittel, Stavanger International Festival for Literature and Freedom of Speech at Sølvberget Library and Cultural Centre. Risdal is educated a librarian with a master’s in Literacy Studies, and has been a jury member for the Norwegian Ministry of Culture’s prizes for childrens literature, head of the jury for the Brage Prize for childrens literature and head of the Norwegian Cultural Council’s committee for comic books. From 2014 – 2019 Risdal was Project Manager for the Nordic Conference on childrens literature.

Marianne Withen

"I have spent nearly all my life in the world of books. 27 years ago I bought a little bookshop at Frederiksberg in Copenhagen. Before that I was a sales representative for different Danish publishing houses for 20 years. In my early youth, I spent nearly a year working for Blackwell Scientific Publications in Oxford."

Aleksandar Bečanović

Aleksandar Bečanović, born in 1971, is a Montenegrin writer, film critic and screenwriter. He is the author of five poetry books, Ulysses’ Distance (1994), Being (1996), The Pantry (1998), Places in the Letter (2001) and Preludes and Fugues (2007); two short story collections, I am Waiting, What Will Happen Next (2005) and Obsession (2009); and three novels, Arcueil (2015), Disorder (2017) and Vlatka (2018). He has also published two books of film criticism, Genre in the Contemporary Cinema (2005) and the 900-page long Lexicon of Film Directors (2015).

Jeanne Glesener

Jeanne E. Glesener (1976) is associate professor for Luxembourgish Literature at the University of Luxembourg and Jury President of the prestigious annual literary award, the Prix Servais.
Her research and publications cover Luxembourgish literary and cultural history, small literatures in Europe and migration literature in Europe.

Maria Paviadakis

“I am bookseller out of passion; it was my dream as a little girl! An only child surrounded by books, I remember the very first I was given and still have it, as well as all the following and all the ones I bought in the meantime... That's a lot of them, believe me!

Elizabeta Bakovska

Elizabeta Bakovska (1969) received her BA and MA from the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje, from the English Language and Literature Department. She holds Ph.D. in gender studies from Euro-Balkan Institute. She was the editor-in-chief of Blesok, an electronic magazine for culture and literature ( She translates, writes poetry and prose, as well as literary theory and criticism.