Fernando Valls

Fernando Valls is an accredited professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). He is the author of several books, editions of texts and articles on the current Spanish narrative. He has directed the literary magazine Quimera and two collections by the publisher Menoscuarto dedicated to the short narrative and the literary essay. He has obtained the Comillas Prize from the Tusquets publishing house, along with Juan Luis Panero. He curates current literary criticism in the literary supplement Los diablos azul, from the newspaper infoLibre.

Antonis Georgiou

Born in Limassol, Antonis Georgiou studied Law in Moscow and is a graduate of the Postgraduate Programme for Theatre Studies from the Open University of Cyprus.
His published work is comprised of Full Moon minus one (Poetry Collection), publ. Gavrielides, Athens, 2006; Sweet Bloody Life (Short Story Collection), publ. Rodakion, Athens, 2006 (National Award for Short Stories); An Album of Stories, publ. Rodakion, Athens, 2014 (National Award for Novels and European Union Literature Award for 2016); Like a Butterfly, Ι am (Poetry Collection), publ. Rodakion, Athens, 2019.

Dolors Udina

Dolors Udina is a literary translator and has been Associated Professor of Translation in the Barcelona Autonomous University since 1998. She has translated into Catalan more than a hundred books of writers such as Jean Rhys, Alice Munro, J.M. Coetzee y Toni Morrison. She’s won a number of awards for her translations of books like Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway (2014), and Aldous Huxley’s The Demons of Loudun (2017). In 2019 she was awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture the National Translation Prize to the work of a life.

Ilvi Liive

Ilvi Liive built up the Estonian Literature Centre in 2001, and has been running it since then. She studied Estonian and German languages and literature at Tartu University, and Dutch language, literature and history of Dutch art at Groningen University. She has been working as publisher and literary translator from Dutch and German.

Predrag Uljarevic

Predrag Uljarevic was born in 1971 in Bileća. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro, in Podgorica. He is the founder of the publishing house Nova knjiga, where he has been employed as director and publisher since its founding in 1999. As a publisher, he has signed more than five hundred titles within the publishing production of Nova knjiga, which is currently one of the largest publishers in Montenegro and the region in terms of quality and number of published books.

Festa Molliqaj

After studying Italian literature, philosophy and linguistics, with a specialization in literary translation - between the University of Lausanne and the Università La Sapienza in Rome – Festa Molliqaj received a second Master of arts in teaching foreign languages from HEP Lausanne.
Teaching foreign languages pushed her to develop didactic-pedagogical projects, allowing her to join the Swiss Association of Italian Teachers (ASPI) and publish articles in Swiss literary journals.