Nenad Rizvanović

Nenad Rizvanović was born in Osijek in 1968. He completed his studies of Croatian language and literature at Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb and in 2019 completed his PhD at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar with the thesis “Poststructural Analysis of the Role of Reader”. He teaches courses on publishing at Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka. He has been publishing literary criticism and prose since 1985.

Lena Falkenhagen

Lena is a German fiction writer and narrative designer for computer games. She's also the national chairperson of the Association of German Authors (Verband deutscher Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller (VS in ver.di)) and co-founder of Phantastik-Autoren-Netzwerk (PAN) e.V. She was a member of the PAN board for 4 years and in this capacity, she co-founded the Netzwerk Autorenrechte (Network Author’s Rights) in 2016 with, among others, Nina George and Eva Leipprand. The Network joins nine (now 13) authors' associations for political purposes.

Gjoko Zdraveski

Gjoko Zdraveski (1985) graduated at Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje and holds an MA from the same faculty. He worked as a Macedonian language lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nish for eight years. From 2014-2018, he organized Astal Projections literary evenings together with Ana Golejshka, every first Tuesday in the month at Menada café. Since 2015, he has been part of the Versopolis project.

Kyriakos Pavlou Kyriakou

Born in Famagusta, Cyprus, on 21st August 1947. Studied Business Administration at West London College, London, and then returned to Famagusta and started working at his father’s bookshop. On August 14 he had to leave his hometown along with thousands of other Greek Cypriots, who fled for their lives because of the advancing Turkish army who invaded Cyprus in July ’74.

Jérôme Jaminet

Jérôme Jaminet, born in 1979, lives as a teacher, literary mediator and literary critic in Luxembourg. He studied philosophy and German literature at the University of Trier. From 2014 to 2017, he hosted the weekly literary show Book Look on Eldoradio. Since 2018 he has been responsible for the literature section Lesbar in the Lëtzebuerger Journal. As a freelance literary critic, he works among others for German media such as Der Spiegel, MDR Kultur and SWR2.

Edin Salčinović

Edin Salčinović was born in Sarajevo on April 13, 1988. He studied at Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. He is editor of the cultural section in daily newspaper Oslobođenje. During Literary Studies, he specialized in Theory of the Novel. He published several short stories and novellas, theoretical essays and literary criticism in web portals e-novine and Strane, and in magazines Beton, (sic!), Život, Dani... He also writes theatre criticism.

Aleksandar Sazdov

Born on September 11th, 1979, Aleksandar Sazdov is a manager specialized in the Publishing sector. In 2002, he graduated from the University Saints Cyril and Methodius of Skopje in Macedonia with a BA in Management. Since graduating, he’s been working at TRI Publishing Centre, first as a graphic designer and marketing executive before accessing leadership positions as Marketing manager, Art and Marketing Director, and finally Sales Manager and Retail Bookstores Manager.

Myrto Azina

Myrto Azina was born in Nicosia on December 26, 1961. 
She graduated from the Pancyprian Gymnasium and studied medicine at Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn, West Germany.
She then specialized in Family Medicine and did a Masters in Health Care Management.

Jean-Claude Henkes

Jean-Claude Henkes was born in 1965 in Defferdange, Luxembourg. In 1981, he was hired by the Ernster bookshop in Luxembourg city. He’s been working there since and is now a member of the bookshop's Strategic Development Comity.