Kamel Gaha

Mohammed Kameleddine Gaha (1949, Menzel Kamel, Tunisia) is a professor emeritus of French literature at the University Tunis-el-Manar, and a member of the Beit-al-Hikma Academy of Carthage, Tunisia.

Raja Ben Slama

Author of several books, including a thesis on love in the Arab-Islamic tradition, Raja Ben Slama is a professor at the University of Manouba and a psychoanalyst. She is director-general of the National Library of Tunisia since 2015. Her latest book, in French, is Gender Orders / Disorders : Cross-Readings on Violence and Love (Tunis, 2020).

Adam Fethi

Adam Fathi (real name: GASMI Fathi) is a Tunisian poet and translator born in 1957. He published several poetry collections including: Sept lunes pour la gardienne de la tour ('Seven moons for the tower keeper'), 1982 ; Chants pour la fleur de poussière ('Songs for the dust flower'), 1991 ; Le souffleur de verre aveugle ('The blind glassblower'), 2011.

Kamel Gaha

Mohammed Kameleddine Gaha (1949, Menzel Kamel, Tunisia) is a professor emeritus of French literature at the University Tunis-el-Manar, and a member of the Beit-al-Hikma Academy of Carthage, Tunisia.

Raja Ben Slama

Author of several books, including a thesis on love in the Arab-Islamic tradition, Raja Ben Slama is a professor at the University of Manouba and a psychoanalyst. She is director-general of the National Library of Tunisia since 2015. Her latest book, in French, is Gender Orders / Disorders : Cross-Readings on Violence and Love (Tunis, 2020).

Adam Fethi

Adam Fathi (real name: GASMI Fathi) is a Tunisian poet and translator born in 1957. He published several poetry collections including: Sept lunes pour la gardienne de la tour ('Seven moons for the tower keeper'), 1982 ; Chants pour la fleur de poussière ('Songs for the dust flower'), 1991 ; Le souffleur de verre aveugle ('The blind glassblower'), 2011.

Kamel Gaha

Mohammed Kameleddine Gaha (1949, Menzel Kamel, Tunisia) is a professor emeritus of French literature at the University Tunis-el-Manar, and a member of the Beit-al-Hikma Academy of Carthage, Tunisia.

Raja Ben Slama

Author of several books, including a thesis on love in the Arab-Islamic tradition, Raja Ben Slama is a professor at the University of Manouba and a psychoanalyst. She is director-general of the National Library of Tunisia since 2015. Her latest book, in French, is Gender Orders / Disorders : Cross-Readings on Violence and Love (Tunis, 2020).