EUPL laureates at Sofia Book Fair 2021

Four EUPL laureates will take part in the International Literary Festival of Sofia these coming 7 to 12 December. As the festival will be held online, all talks will be accessible to watch via a livestream on the fair's Facebook page.

Make sure to catch the following conversations: 

7 December at 3:45 pm EET - Lidija Dimkovska (North Macedonia, 2013)

10 December at 4:00 pm EET - Claudiu Florian (Romania, 2016)

Digital EUPL book club: mystery novels

Our next book club discussion will revolve around mystery fiction, where we will dive into the world’s created by our authors and explore the secrets they hide. Our next chat will be hosted on 28 October from 4pm onwards

We will be joined by EUPL 2020 winning author Nathalie Skowronek for our next discussion. Join in by sending us your questions on our social channels by using #EUPLbookclub or through our Book Club group on Facebook. Please note this month's discussion will be in French. 

Listen in live: 

EUPL at Balkan Trafik festival / Bozar, Brussels

On 25 April 2019, at Brussels’ Bozar, from 8pm, EUPL winners Jelena Lengold (Serbia), Faruk Šehić (Bosnia) and Lada Žigo (Croatia) will join Slovenian author Suzana Tratnik for a literary discussion on whether and how the idea of being ‘formerly Yugoslavian’ affects their work. This event is part of the programme for Balkan Trafik 2019, a festival which for the past 12 years has highlighted the cultural richness and diversity of the Balkan nations as well as their relationship with Brussels.

Matthias Nawrat and Magdalena Parys for Goethe Institute/Krakow Book Fair

A few days ago, Matthias Nawrat (Germany, 2020) and Magdalena Parys (Poland, 2015) met in the buch|bund bookshop of Berlin to discuss their books and experiences as European writers. The interview will be streamed online on 14 October. You can catch it on the Goethe Institute’s YouTube channel, or as part of the Krakow Book Fair’s online programme.

EUPL laureates at BookForum Lviv

The Ukrainian BookForum of Lviv is moving online from 16 to 20 September. Over these 5 days, the event will feature 5 of our EUPL laureates across various digital talks: Haska Syyan (Ukraine, 2019), Jan Carson (Ireland, 2019), Lana Bastašić (Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2020), Maša Kolanović (Croatia, 2020), and Marta Dzido (Poland, 2019).

Keep an eye out for these conversations on 18 September here (2.30 to 3.30 pm local time) and here (4 pm to 5 pm local time). 

Digital EUPL Book Club - Dystopian fiction

Looking for new reading material to keep you entertained while you #StayAtHome? Want to engage with readers from all over the world? Want to discover books from emerging fiction writers? Join us for a digital EUPL Book Club! Our first book club will spotlight dystopian fiction, and we are bringing three novels to the table. To be able to participate in the book club, you only need to read once. But if you have time, you can definitely read two, or even all of them!

EUPL at the Frankfurt Buchmesse 2019

The European Union Prize for Literature (EUPL) has the pleasure of inviting you to the Frankfurter Pavilion at the Frankfurt Buchmesse on Friday, 18 October 2019. 

The 2019 EUPL winners Haska Shyyan (Ukraine), Nikos Chryssos (Greece) and Beqa Adamashvili (Georgia) will take part in a panel and discuss their writing, winning the EUPL and the importance of the EUPL in encouraging the development of European literature. 

The event will be moderated by the German author Lena Falkenhagen. 

EUPL laureates at the Thessaloniki Book Fair 2021

On Friday, 26 November at 5.00pm local time, as part of the Thessaloniki Book Fair, Vakxikon Publications is inviting EUPL laureates Inga Zolude (Latvia, 2011), Gabriela Babnik (Slovenia, 2013), and Isabelle Wéry (Belgium, 2013) to present their EUPL-awarded books. The event will be moderated by author and literary critic Lilia Tsouva, with excerpts of the books read by actor Angelos Kourepis. 

In collaboration with: Latvian Literature, Slovenian Book Agency, Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.

Location: Thessaloniki Book Fair, Room: Dionysios Solomos (Kiosque 13)

Maria Navarro Skaranger and Ida Hegazi Høyer in conversation with Women's Writes

Our next conversation with feminist bookclub Women's Writes is pushed to November. This time, it will feature our EUPL laureates Maria Navarro Skaranger (Norway, 2020) and Ida Hegazi Høyer (Norway, 2015). Join these two wonderful women in an online discussion with Women's Writes founder Sophie McDermott. 

Details & registration: