Marianne Withen

"I have spent nearly all my life in the world of books. 27 years ago I bought a little bookshop at Frederiksberg in Copenhagen. Before that I was a sales representative for different Danish publishing houses for 20 years. In my early youth, I spent nearly a year working for Blackwell Scientific Publications in Oxford."

Klaus Kowalke

Born in 1967 in Helmstedt/Niedersachsen, Klaus Kowalke is a Philosopher, Historian and Bookseller. He was awarded “Best Bookshop in Germany 2018” by the Federal Government Comissioner for Culture and the Media (Federal Government).

Claude Conter

Claude D. Conter (born 1974) is a scientific collaborator (2004-2008), curator (2008-2012) and, since 2012, director of the National Literature Centre of Mersch. He studied German Literature and Mass Communication in Bamberg and Berlin. He was scientific collaborator for the German Literature Department of Bamberg. He completed his Phd in 2003. From 2004 to 2008 he worked as scientific collaborator for the same department in Munich. In 2017, he was guest lecturer at the University of Sewanee (TN, USA).

Tanja Stupar Trifunović

Tanja Stupar Trifunović published five volumes of poetry, one volume of short stories and two novels. Her works were awarded and translated into English, German, French, Polish, Slovenian, Danish, Swedish, Macedonian, Czech, Hungarian, Bulgarian and Spanish language. Poetry book O čemu misle varvari dok doručkuju (“What are barbarians are thinking about while having breakfast“) was short-listed for the ProCredit Bank Literature Award for East and Southeast Europe and awarded with one-month stay in Vienna, Austria.

Lena Falkenhagen

Lena is a German fiction writer and narrative designer for computer games. She's also the national chairperson of the Association of German Authors (Verband deutscher Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller (VS in ver.di)) and co-founder of Phantastik-Autoren-Netzwerk (PAN) e.V. She was a member of the PAN board for 4 years and in this capacity, she co-founded the Netzwerk Autorenrechte (Network Author’s Rights) in 2016 with, among others, Nina George and Eva Leipprand. The Network joins nine (now 13) authors' associations for political purposes.

Edin Salčinović

Edin Salčinović was born in Sarajevo on April 13, 1988. He studied at Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo. He is editor of the cultural section in daily newspaper Oslobođenje. During Literary Studies, he specialized in Theory of the Novel. He published several short stories and novellas, theoretical essays and literary criticism in web portals e-novine and Strane, and in magazines Beton, (sic!), Život, Dani... He also writes theatre criticism.

Aleksandar Sazdov

Born on September 11th, 1979, Aleksandar Sazdov is a manager specialized in the Publishing sector. In 2002, he graduated from the University Saints Cyril and Methodius of Skopje in Macedonia with a BA in Management. Since graduating, he’s been working at TRI Publishing Centre, first as a graphic designer and marketing executive before accessing leadership positions as Marketing manager, Art and Marketing Director, and finally Sales Manager and Retail Bookstores Manager.

Myrto Azina

Myrto Azina was born in Nicosia on December 26, 1961. 
She graduated from the Pancyprian Gymnasium and studied medicine at Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn, West Germany.
She then specialized in Family Medicine and did a Masters in Health Care Management.