Jean-Claude Henkes

Jean-Claude Henkes was born in 1965 in Defferdange, Luxembourg. In 1981, he was hired by the Ernster bookshop in Luxembourg city. He’s been working there since and is now a member of the bookshop's Strategic Development Comity.

Faruk Šehić

Faruk Šehić was born in 1970 in Bihac. Until the outbreak of war in 1992, Šehić studied Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb. However, at 22 he voluntarily joined the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which he led a unit of 130 men as a lieutenant. After the war he studied literature and, since 1998, has created his own literary works. He is regarded as one of the most gifted young writers in the former Yugoslavia, a shining light of the so-called “knocked-over generation”.

Fernando Valls

Fernando Valls is an accredited professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). He is the author of several books, editions of texts and articles on the current Spanish narrative. He has directed the literary magazine Quimera and two collections by the publisher Menoscuarto dedicated to the short narrative and the literary essay. He has obtained the Comillas Prize from the Tusquets publishing house, along with Juan Luis Panero. He curates current literary criticism in the literary supplement Los diablos azul, from the newspaper infoLibre.

Elizabeta Bakovska

Elizabeta Bakovska (1969) received her BA and MA from the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje, from the English Language and Literature Department. She holds Ph.D. in gender studies from Euro-Balkan Institute. She was the editor-in-chief of Blesok, an electronic magazine for culture and literature ( She translates, writes poetry and prose, as well as literary theory and criticism.

Giorgos Moleskis

Giorgos Moleskis was born in 1946. He studied at the Nicosia English College and the Moscow State University – Lomonosov. He has an M.A. degree in Russian Language and Literature and a Ph.D. degree in Literature. He worked at the Cultural Services Department of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, in the position of Senior Cultural Officer and us the Executive Adviser of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Foundation. 

Osman Gashi

Osman Gashi (Prishtina, 1962) is Professor of World Literature, Comparative Literature and Mythology at the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philology (Department of Albanian Literature).
His books and scholarly articles cover a wide range of studies on Albanian and world literature, treatises in the field of Comparative Literature and Intertextuality as well as analysis on myths and mythology.
He has published the following volumes of studies:
Interliterary Studies, Rozafa, Prishtina, 2001
European Myth and Romanticism, Pen Center of Kosovo, Prishtina, 2005

Isabelle Wéry

Isabelle Wéry is an actress and director for the theatre and an author. She played The Vagina's Monologues in Belgium. Her second novel, Marilyn désossée, received the European Union Prize for Literature in 2013. This novel is translated in many European countries.

Predrag Uljarevic

Predrag Uljarevic was born in 1971 in Bileća. He graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Montenegro, in Podgorica. He is the founder of the publishing house Nova knjiga, where he has been employed as director and publisher since its founding in 1999. As a publisher, he has signed more than five hundred titles within the publishing production of Nova knjiga, which is currently one of the largest publishers in Montenegro and the region in terms of quality and number of published books.