Aleksandar Sazdov

Born on September 11th, 1979, Aleksandar Sazdov is a manager specialized in the Publishing sector. In 2002, he graduated from the University Saints Cyril and Methodius of Skopje in Macedonia with a BA in Management. Since graduating, he’s been working at TRI Publishing Centre, first as a graphic designer and marketing executive before accessing leadership positions as Marketing manager, Art and Marketing Director, and finally Sales Manager and Retail Bookstores Manager.

Myrto Azina

Myrto Azina was born in Nicosia on December 26, 1961. 
She graduated from the Pancyprian Gymnasium and studied medicine at Friedrich Wilhelm University in Bonn, West Germany.
She then specialized in Family Medicine and did a Masters in Health Care Management.

Jean-Claude Henkes

Jean-Claude Henkes was born in 1965 in Defferdange, Luxembourg. In 1981, he was hired by the Ernster bookshop in Luxembourg city. He’s been working there since and is now a member of the bookshop's Strategic Development Comity.

Faruk Šehić

Faruk Šehić was born in 1970 in Bihac. Until the outbreak of war in 1992, Šehić studied Veterinary Medicine in Zagreb. However, at 22 he voluntarily joined the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which he led a unit of 130 men as a lieutenant. After the war he studied literature and, since 1998, has created his own literary works. He is regarded as one of the most gifted young writers in the former Yugoslavia, a shining light of the so-called “knocked-over generation”.

Fernando Valls

Fernando Valls is an accredited professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain). He is the author of several books, editions of texts and articles on the current Spanish narrative. He has directed the literary magazine Quimera and two collections by the publisher Menoscuarto dedicated to the short narrative and the literary essay. He has obtained the Comillas Prize from the Tusquets publishing house, along with Juan Luis Panero. He curates current literary criticism in the literary supplement Los diablos azul, from the newspaper infoLibre.

Antonis Georgiou

Born in Limassol, Antonis Georgiou studied Law in Moscow and is a graduate of the Postgraduate Programme for Theatre Studies from the Open University of Cyprus.
His published work is comprised of Full Moon minus one (Poetry Collection), publ. Gavrielides, Athens, 2006; Sweet Bloody Life (Short Story Collection), publ. Rodakion, Athens, 2006 (National Award for Short Stories); An Album of Stories, publ. Rodakion, Athens, 2014 (National Award for Novels and European Union Literature Award for 2016); Like a Butterfly, Ι am (Poetry Collection), publ. Rodakion, Athens, 2019.

Jeanne Glesener

Jeanne E. Glesener (1976) is associate professor for Luxembourgish Literature at the University of Luxembourg and Jury President of the prestigious annual literary award, the Prix Servais.
Her research and publications cover Luxembourgish literary and cultural history, small literatures in Europe and migration literature in Europe.

Maria Paviadakis

“I am bookseller out of passion; it was my dream as a little girl! An only child surrounded by books, I remember the very first I was given and still have it, as well as all the following and all the ones I bought in the meantime... That's a lot of them, believe me!