Bogdan Creţu

Bogdan Crețu is a novelist, literary critic, and Professor of Romanian Literature at „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iași, Romania, he was Director of the Institute of Romanian Philology, Romanian Academy, Iasi (2013-2022). He published 8 books of criticism, including Negative Utopia in Romanian Literature (2008) and The Unicorn at the Eastern Worldʼs Gates: D.

Raluca Nagy

Raluca Nagy (Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 1979) is an anthropologist and writer. She studied economics, anthropology and sociology in Bucharest, Rabat and Brussels. In addition to her academic publications, since 2005 Raluca has been publishing texts for wider audiences, as well as fiction, in various cultural magazines, mostly Romanian. After publishing a short prose in the collection Scrisori din Cipangu. Povestiri japoneze de autori români (Letters from Cipangu.