Anzhela Dimcheva

Anzhela Dimcheva (1963, Sofia, Bulgaria) has a Master Degree in Bulgarian Philology and English Language. She is a PhD from the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies. A journalist, poet, literary critic, and editor, she is the Secretary-General of the Bulgarian Centre PEN, a member of the Union of Bulgarian Writers and the Union of Bulgarian Journalists.

Dimitar Atanasov

Born in 1973, he holds Master degrees in Marketing and Management as well as Law from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia. He has been selling books for more that 25 years and has experience in various forms of trade - direct sales, online - including 15 years as a sales manager at one of the largest bookshop chains in Bulgaria.Since 2012, he is a managing partner in Bookoholic Ltd, an import and wholesale company, trading with English, German, French, Spanish and Bulgarian books.

Darin Tenev

Darin Tenev is an associate professor in the Literary Theory Department of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” and director of the Institute for Critical Social Studies at the University of Plovdiv. He gave lectures in Tokyo, Kyoto, New York, Berlin, Münster. He has published two books – Fiction and Image. Models (2012) and Digressions. Essays on Jacques Derrida (2013).

Svetlozar Zhelev

Svetlozar Zhelev is a well known contemporary expert in the Bulgarian literary field. Former publisher, TV and radio host, he was a board member of the Bulgarian Book Association from 2006 to 2010, and president of the jury for the "Translations" program of the National Culture Fund from 2018 to 2020. He is a member of the programing committee of the "TRADUKI" network, board member of ENLIT, co-founder and board member of the "Elizabeth Kostova Foundation on Creative Writing", and a lecturer in Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" since 2013.

Ina Vultchanova

Ina Vultchanova is a journalist, writer, producer and translator from French and Russian. She has an MA in Bulgarian Philology from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Her professional career has been dedicated to the art of audio drama. She has worked as a long-time senior producer at the Drama Department of Bulgarian National Radio and has produced numerous audio adaptations of works by writers from Bulgaria and around the world. Her audio productions have won the Croatian Grand Prix Marulic in 1998, the second Prix Europa in Berlin in 1998 and the eighth Muse Prize in Sofia in 2006.

Kalin Terziyski

Kalin Terziiski was born in 1970 in Sofia. He graduated from medicine at the Medical Institute in Sofia, and for four years worked as a psychiatrist in the second largest psychiatric hospital in Bulgaria, the ‘St. Ivan Rilski’. However, he says, “because young doctors were receiving very low wages, making it hard to live”, he started writing for newspapers and magazines. During this time, he wrote a series of stories and cutting-edge alternative texts for magazines.

Milen Ruskov

Milen Ruskov (b.1966) is a Bulgarian writer and translator living in Sofia. He graduated in Bulgarian philology at Sofia University in 1995. After that, he was a PhD student in linguistics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Since 2001, he has worked as a freelance translator from English for various publishers.

Georgi Bardarov

Georgi Bardarov is a Bulgarian scientist and writer. He is Associate Professor of Ethno-religious Conflicts and Demography and Vice-Dean of the Geology and Geography Department at Sofia University. He founded and co-hosts the most successful course on the art of public speaking and oratory in Bulgaria. He is also part of the creative team of the publishing and production company Musagena.

Darin Tenev

Darin Tenev is an associate professor in the Literary Theory Department of the University of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” and director of the Institute for Critical Social Studies at the University of Plovdiv. He gave lectures in Tokyo, Kyoto, New York, Berlin, Münster. He has published two books – Fiction and Image. Models (2012) and Digressions. Essays on Jacques Derrida (2013).

Dimitar Atanasov

Born in 1973, he holds Master degrees in Marketing and Management as well as Law from the University of National and World Economy, Sofia. He has been selling books for more that 25 years and has experience in various forms of trade - direct sales, online - including 15 years as a sales manager at one of the largest bookshop chains in Bulgaria.Since 2012, he is a managing partner in Bookoholic Ltd, an import and wholesale company, trading with English, German, French, Spanish and Bulgarian books.