Selja Ahava

Selja Ahava (b. 1974) is a Finnish author, dramaturge and a scriptwriter.

Ahava’s acclaimed debut novel The Day the Whale Swam through London (2010) was a nominee for the Helsingin Sanomat Literary Prize, and it won the Laura Hirvisaari Prize (The Bookseller’s Literary Prize) in 2010.

Piia Leino

Piia Leino was born in 1977. She lives in Helsinki with her family, and has worked as a journalist at the Finnish News Agency, STT, for almost two decades. She got her Master’s degree in social studies, majoring in journalism, from University of Tampere in 2004. She also studied creative writing for two years at the renowned Kriittinen korkeakoulu (Critical Academy) in Helsinki in 2015-2017.

Leino’s first novel The Ugly Cashier (Ruma kassa, 2016) deals humorously with reality tv and the pressures that women face.

Katri Lipson

Katri Lipson was born in Helsinki in 1965. After secondary school, she studied medicine in Sweden and graduated from the Medical School of Uppsala University in 1993. Since then, she has been working as a doctor in Sweden, Africa and Finland. She has always written, including fairytales, short stories, poems, plays and novels.