Aleksandar Sazdov

Born on September 11th, 1979, Aleksandar Sazdov is a manager specialized in the Publishing sector. In 2002, he graduated from the University Saints Cyril and Methodius of Skopje in Macedonia with a BA in Management. Since graduating, he’s been working at TRI Publishing Centre, first as a graphic designer and marketing executive before accessing leadership positions as Marketing manager, Art and Marketing Director, and finally Sales Manager and Retail Bookstores Manager.

Elizabeta Bakovska

Elizabeta Bakovska (1969) received her BA and MA from the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje, from the English Language and Literature Department. She holds Ph.D. in gender studies from Euro-Balkan Institute. She was the editor-in-chief of Blesok, an electronic magazine for culture and literature ( She translates, writes poetry and prose, as well as literary theory and criticism.

Elizabeta Bakovska

Elizabeta Bakovska (1969) received her BA and MA from the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje, from the English Language and Literature Department. She holds Ph.D. in gender studies from Euro-Balkan Institute. She was the editor-in-chief of Blesok, an electronic magazine for culture and literature ( She translates, writes poetry and prose, as well as literary theory and criticism.

Nenad Joldeski

Nenad Joldeski was born in 1986 in Struga, Macedonia. In 2010, he graduated at the Faculty of Economics in Skopje. In 2013, he received a master's degree in comparative literature on the subject of 'Intertextual Irony in Modern and Postmodern Short Stories.'

He is a writer and author of two collections of short stories. His debut, The Silence of Enhalon, written in Macedonian dialect and slang, received the Novite Award from the publishing house Templum in 2009.

His second book, Each with Their Own Lake, was published by Templum in 2012.

Petar Andonovski

Petar Andonovski (born 1987, Kumanovo) is mainly a prose writer. He has a degree in general and comparative literature from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje and has been a writer in residence in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro. Currently, he works for the Polica publishing house. His novel Телото во кое треба да се живее (The Body One Must Live In) received the 2015 National Novel of the Year Award. His other previous work includes Ментален простор (Mental Space, poetry collection, 2008) and Oчи со боја на чевли (Shoe-colored Eyes, novel, 2013).

Goce Smilevski

Goce Smilevski (b.1975) was born in Skopje, Macedonia. He was educated at the Sts Kiril and Metodij University in Skopje, at Charles University in Prague and at the Central European University in Budapest. He is the author of the novels The Planet of Inexperience, Conversation with Spinoza and Sigmund Freud’s Sister. He won Macedonian Novel of the Year Award in 2003 for Conversation with Spinoza. In 2006, he was also awarded the Central European Initiative Fellowship for young European authors.

Lidija Dimkovska

Lidija Dimkovska was born in 1971 in Skopje, Macedonia. She is a poet, novelist, essayist, and translator. She studied Comparative Literature at the University of Skopje and took a PhD in Romanian Literature at the University of Bucharest, Romania. She has worked as a lecturer of Macedonian language and literature at the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures, University of Bucharest, and as a lecturer of World Literature at the University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia.

Gjoko Zdraveski

Gjoko Zdraveski (1985) graduated at Blaže Koneski Faculty of Philology in Skopje and holds an MA from the same faculty. He worked as a Macedonian language lecturer at the Faculty of Philosophy in Nish for eight years. From 2014-2018, he organized Astal Projections literary evenings together with Ana Golejshka, every first Tuesday in the month at Menada café. Since 2015, he has been part of the Versopolis project.

Aleksandar Sazdov

Born on September 11th, 1979, Aleksandar Sazdov is a manager specialized in the Publishing sector. In 2002, he graduated from the University Saints Cyril and Methodius of Skopje in Macedonia with a BA in Management. Since graduating, he’s been working at TRI Publishing Centre, first as a graphic designer and marketing executive before accessing leadership positions as Marketing manager, Art and Marketing Director, and finally Sales Manager and Retail Bookstores Manager.