Dejan Tiago Stanković

Dejan Tiago Stanković, born in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1965, is a writer and literary translator of Serbian and Portuguese languages. In 1991, after graduating in architecture in Belgrade, he moved to London out of mere desire to experience the world. Living as an illegal immigrant for six years, he soon discovered he did not want to be an architect and could not stay in England because of its long winter nights in the North. Due to historical circumstances, he moved to Portugal instead of going back home and was granted Portuguese citizenship. Today, he lives between Belgrade and Lisbon.

Darko Tuševljaković

Darko Tuševljaković was born in Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in 1978. Since 2002, his fiction has been published in literary magazines and anthologies in Serbia and elsewhere in the Balkans. In 2004, he was awarded the Lazar Komarcic Award for short fiction. Tuševljaković is the author of two novels and a collection of short stories. His books have been shortlisted for some of the most important Serbian national awards for fiction.

Uglješa Šajtinac

Uglješa Šajtinac was born in 1971 in Zrenjanin. He graduated in 1999 from the Department of Dramaturgy, Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. He won the Josip Kulundžič award for the best student of dramaturgy, as well as the Slobodan Selenić award for the best graduation text.

Jelena Lengold

Jelena Lengold (b.1959) is a storyteller, novelist and a poet. She has published five books of poetry, one novel (Baltimore, 2003, 2011) and four books of stories, including Pokisli lavovi (Rain-soaked Lions, 1994), Lift (Lift, 1999) and Vašarski mađioničar (The Fairground Magician, 2008, 2009). She has been represented in several anthologies of poetry and stories, and her works have been translated into several languages. Lengold worked as a journalist and an editor for ten years in the cultural department of Radio Belgrade.

Bora Babić

Bora Babić is editrix-in-chief and directress of the publishing house Akademska knjiga. She is also the co-founder and vice-president of the UPIS-Association of Serbian Professional Publishers. She began her professional career working in the publishing department for both Matica srpska Novi Sad and Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića.

Ana Pejović

Ana Pejović is a literary professional, editor and translator from Belgrade, Serbia. She has worked in several publishing houses in Serbia, with focus on literature from post Yugoslav countries. She also worked in the non-governmental sector, aiming at promoting contemporary literature. Currently, she has been developing a platform for the promotion of contemporary literature towards children and young adults, together with writer Jasminka Petrović. Her translations include writers such as David Lodge, Hannah Arendt, Adam Haslett, Richard Owain Roberts.

Ivan Bevc

Born in Belgrade in 1972, Ivan has worked in publishing, marketing and journalism for many years. He founded “Booka” publishing house in 2010 and, since then, published more than 150 books of the best contemporary authors, including Michel Houellebecq, Karl Ove Knausgaard, Elena Ferrante, Leila Slimani, Miljenko Jergović, and Dubravka Ugrešić. He owns two bookshops in Belgrade.

Nenad Šaponja

Nenad Šaponja (1964) is born and lives in Novi Sad, Serbia. He is a poet, essayist, and literary critic whose verses are recognizable in contemporary Serbian poetry due to their stylistic perfection, hermetic quality and metaphysical insight. His poetry has been translated into English, French, Italian, Romanian, Macedonian, Slovak, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Chinese etc. The most popular of his books are Does the Touch of Your Soul Exist?; Sweet Death; and I Seem, Therefore I Am Not.


We are happy to introduce the following jury members for Serbia: Nenad Šaponja, poet, essayist, literary critic, owner and editor-in-chief of AGORA publishing house - President of the jury Ivan Bevc, bookshop owner and founder of publishing house Booka Ana Pejović, literary professional, editor and translator Bora Babić, editrix-in-chief and directress at Akademska knjiga,co-founder and vice-president of the UPIS-Association of Serbian Professional Publishers